I am so boring.....
Can I just say that when you are jobless and staying at home with kids that you get a little boring? At least I should say, I do! I'm constantly on diaper and laundry duty! Quinten is going pee pee and poo poo on the potty on occasion, I'm not pushing it, just introducing. I get excited about that. I know when God does bless me with the right job I will probably miss this! Let me think.... Jaelyn says Momma now, she is rocking on her hands and knees getting ready to crawl! (I keep telling her that there is no need to rush!) She smiles and gives the best hugs and wettest kisses! Quinten is two! Need I say more! He gets into everything faster than the speed of light, currently he is sitting in his sisters car seat carrier with his blankey saying rock, rock! His vocabulary is steadily improving at a pace that amazes me. His sense of humor is great, he puts on hats and our shoes and does crazy dances and makes silly faces. He has learned that if you push things over the the higher cupboards that you can stand on them and get things you aren't supposed to out of them! This is my life right now usually amusing, although it can border on dull...but thank God for my Babies they do keep it busy!