Is the room still spinning?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

God's Blessings

You know, just when I start to worry about something like..... BILLS!!!! God sends something or someone to take care of things for me. Not that the way he takes care of things for me is the most comfortable way for my ego, but he does take care of them. For that I am thankful! God knows when we need to be humbled and humility has never been one of my strong points! Humble yourselfs in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Nobody knows!

My son completely broke my cell phone, I found out that I will not be called for a second interview at Standard Federal, or La Salle Bank or whatever they are until after the first week of October! Frustration is wreaking in my soul! I am so trying to be positive. But it all happens for a reason! Here is a cute story, I was reading a book to Quinten, there was a page that had a bunch of childen of different races, there was a black boy sitting next to a blonde white girl, Quinten's eyes got big and he pointed to the boy and said Daddy, and the girl and said Momma! If only we all could see people of different races as a part of our family instead of color and creed or whatever people see!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A reason for everything!

Isn't it amazing the way God works? The Bad things that happen to us in our lives always happen for a reason! And usually it is for our betterment! I am still jobless but God has taken great care of me and my family so far! I have learned through this time of loss that I really do enjoy being employed and that staying home full time is truly the hardest job you can have! Children are God's greatest blessing, but two year olds are the Devil! You fall in love with your opposite only to find that you can't stand people the opposite of you! And here's what is great you married them! So what now? Prayer, prayer and much insanity! Is the room still spinning? I am the Dizzy Blonde!