Is the room still spinning?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I see no end in sight.

I am very sad, I can not sleep. I lay in bed and worry. I feel like I am in a quicksand of bills and they are swallowing me whole and there is no way out! I work my butt off and it is just not enough. I am discouraged and feel like a loser. I can not get a job to pay enough to help my family live at home so I am here. It will be a year in June that I have been jobless, why will no one but Cracker Barrel give me a chance? I know there are a lot of unemployed people and that I am not alone... I' m still sad and I still feel like a big zero!! Oh well, it is my day to whine!! I also know I am blessed and that there are people with far worse problems, I am still sad.. maybe I'll stop feeling sorry for myself, go to sleep and pray that tomorrow will be a better day. Maybe my tears willldry up and my heart will stop hurting and I'll just stop caring. Luckliy I have my kids, so I have to care. Sorry, I'm venting, overly emotional me!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Spread the word...

So, does anyone know of anyone looking for daycare???? Maybe I if I can line up kids or interviews or whatever I could come home sooner. I'm just tired of being away from home and feeling very discouraged about ever getting a job, outside my home anyway... Keep your ears open lovely Ladies of Tecumseh!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What I'm gonna do...

Okay, after months of unemployment, living out of state, and prayer, this is what I have decided to do... I am staying here working at Cracker Barrel til the end of the month, if I do not get a job by the end of June we are coming home, I am going to start my own daycare and am going to commit to do it for four years until Jaelyn and Quinten are both in school. If God wants me home with my children who am I to fight him??? I just can not for the life of me figure out why I can not get a real full time job either here or in MI, so maybe the answer is STAY HOME!!! And I know how it feels to be desperately seeking someone good and kind to care for my children, so maybe I should be that person for someone else... God is in control, I will see what he wants!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Beauty!!

Need I say more? I think she might be the most beautiful girl in the world!!!!